Saturday, 28 February 2015

lab1 write-up Feb23

On 2/23 class, we first got familiar with unit of energy. 1 joule=1 N.m
1 joule=1000 kilowatts*seconds

Then, we solve a problem. The scenario is calculating the final temperature of a mixture of a cup of hot water and a cup of cold water. We use the formula Qc+Qh=0 to solve the final temperature.

Then , we put cold water inside the aluminum can, and put the can into the hot water. We have known the mass of 2 cups of water and the mass of the can. We also know both the initial temperature of hot water and cold water. We also know the final temperature of the system.
We use Q1+Q2+Q3=0 to solve the aluminum can's specific heat=16( unit here) Why would the experience off? We suspect several variables which the rate of cooling depend on, such as conducting rate alpha.

This is the graph from logger pro. We see how two systems get to equilibrium thermally. The final temp is around 30 degree Celsius. 

We suspect some reasons Ccan=16 is off. 

We know the rate of cooling depends on some variables . And the formula is Q=KA(Th-Tc)/L. 

This is an example in which we applied the formula and calculate

Then, we put a hot metal into the cold water. We find the relation between the released heat of the metal and the temperature change of the water caused by the metal. And by observing the graph, we find Q over T is a linear relation. 

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